Saturday, August 8, 2009


Haven't posted anything here in a long time, I know. I've been doing a lot of thinking about a lot recently. Too much time to think probably and it's not a good thing to think so (too) much.

One of the things I was thinking about is the amount of time that I spend in front of a computer. I need to be online to get work done and in order know what's going on in my industry. It can't be avoided to a certain extent but what about the other times - after I've gotten the work done, followed up e-mails, researched new ideas and read the latest industry news etc. Why do I have/ need all of these online profiles? And why am I trying to maintain three blogs when frankly most of the time I dread the thought of having to write a new post on them? 

I get more done when I'm not in front of a computer and I feel better. I think sitting in front of a computer can actually hamper your progress. I'm increasingly trying to force myself to draw, plan and write on pieces of paper. And to read more books, the ones with paper and covers. I'm getting out into the world more and taking photos, going for walks and spending time with the people that love and know me. While the internet is great for some purposes, we can all overdo it sometimes. There was an episode of Southpark on TV the other night where the internet had broken and everyone freaked out and weren't able to function without it. It's sad because it's becoming true.

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