Saturday, August 8, 2009

Some people cannot handle rejection

I wrote a post a while back about a group of people that I had noticed on the gay scene in Dublin - they seem quite cool. But what do I really know about them as I'm looking from afar? I imagine that they would be the kind of group that I wish I had of gotten to know when I first came out on the scene years ago. Anyway, I don't know any of them and they weren't the people that I started hanging around with.

The people that I did start hanging around with are another story altogether. I made the decision to break away from that group and one person in particular over three years ago. Three years... you would think that any hard feelings, grudges, resentment, bitterness, hatred, feeling of rejection... whatever... would be long gone and over and done with. No.

What do I really think about the gay scene in Dublin and about many of these groups?
Frankly, I think it's fairly shit. A shit place with a lot of shit people. You have to be part of a group or you're an outsider. So much for a community. So you become part of a group because you're gay and you're human and you're new to this. In my case I was quite young, bright eyed and bushy tailed and very naive. It's only natural to want to have contact with other like-minded people right? That was my first mistake. I thought that we had things in common. We did - we were all gay but the similarities ended there for the most part. 

I'll never forget my first impression of Carolyn. One of her gay boy fans was saying to me that I looked like a model from a poster in a shop they had been in earlier that day, she quickly scowled at him, looked at me and sneered 'no she doesn't'. First impressions count right? Well why didn't I do what I was thinking then. Acknowledge that this was a down-right rude put-down from her to me, whom she had only met 30 seconds ago and move on with my life? No. Instead I laughed it off and put up with that kind of crap for a few years. Over that time she turned on a few other people in the group. They had no chance. Bullied and ostracized. Now, I look back and feel ashamed that I stood by and let it happen. What could I have done? Then when it came to other friends, she'd act all cool around them but bitch viciously about them behind their backs. And then for her girlfriends, well that's another story. I'd try to avoid an argument and let her away with things. She did have some re-deeming qualities. And she did have a special set of circumstances after-all, which she reminded everyone around her about on a regular basis. But when does enough become enough? When is someone's behavior unacceptable regardless of their circumstances?

I think I was scared for a long time - weak, worried, lonely and scared. She'd treat people mean to keep them keen and it worked. But if you went against her you were in for it and hell hath no fury than a gay bitch enraged! If I wasn't friends with her then who would I hang around with on the gay scene? I needed people. I needed to be part of a group. That's what happens if you're lonely or weak in any way, you get in with the wrong crowd and they pick on your vulnerabilities. But I was being held back. I was being controlled. And there's nothing more that I like than my freedom.

She would criticise my fashion choices and then be wearing those same items the following month. She would criticise who I dated, yet since we're no longer friends, she has become their Facebook friend and goes out of her way to talk to them if I'm ever in eye shot. She even came on to one of them. She has manipulated people and twisted things that I have said to make me look like the bitch and she has lied. Mutual people that we hung around with I now realise never really were friends of mine in the first place. They either got involved when they shouldn't have or they believed the awful things she said. They are weak too or maybe just lazy. Or maybe, that is what you need to be like in order to survive in these groups. I took the opinion that I wanted nothing to do with her and that was that. I wouldn't talk about her to other people, I wouldn't bring up the situation with anyone we mutually knew and although I had no time for her anymore I wasn't going to wish any ill on her. I figured that the people that know me will know that I wouldn't have said those things and I wasn't like that. And I figured that the truth would come out in the end and she would be shown up for her true colors. I was just going to move on.

I moved on and I'm a lot happier. I don't let people get away with putting me or other people down in front of me now and if I have a bad first impression or an instinct that someone is not good for me, I stay well clear. I wish I had of been stronger when I was younger but I'm glad that I learned to be stronger from experience. She can shout 'fucking cunt' at me all she likes in a night club. It's obnoxious, it shows that she has no class and is quite the bully. She hasn't changed. It confirmed to me what she is like, what she always was like and what she will probably always be like. I made the right decision to get away from that toxicity. If anything that little incident made me realise how done with the gay scene I truly am and the drama that goes on in it. Friendships on the gay scene? It really depends on your definition of friendship. I don't need that. I'm lucky. I love a few people - my family, my friends and my girlfriend. And I love myself. I don't need a group. 

I used to think that these cliquey groups were something unique to school or college. As adults, why do some people still maintain these social structures? Each to their own but things change, circumstances change and people should be given the space and time to grow. I don't have a huge group of friends but I'm free. If something bad happens to me, I have to go through a difficult time or say my relationship breaks down (it did once already) I won't have a group to go to and cry on their shoulders about... But I don't need that. My experience of that group being there for me in the past was this - My last relationship ended when my girlfriend at that time cheated on me. My friends in this group didn't help the situation one bit. They made it worse. Rather than deal with the situation on my own and get over it as quickly as I should have, I got dragged into a dramatic group vs. group situation between me and my ex. I was encouraged to bitch about my ex with them, drink away the problem and use someone else to have a fling with in order to get over the whole thing. I didn't do that but that was what was expected of me in the group. And similarly, if any of them were going through something then I was expected to be there for them by bitching about the person that they felt hard done by in return. What a miserable existence. My advice to anyone going through any difficult emotional circumstance is to look to yourself. Sure, talk about things if you need to, it's good to talk. But be very careful whom you talk to. Try reserve any emotional talks with family or very close and true friends. Don't talk to a group or allow them to get involved. Be strong.

We are all human. We all experience hurt, disappointment and pain. But it's how we deal with this that makes us who we are. Look to yourself first and foremost, you can count on yourself and you'll need to time and time again.

- I know this is quite a serious post and I probably come off a bit 'on my high pedestal' but this has gotten to me a bit lately. Three years on I shouldn't care about what these people say or do. It's not pleasant to be ganged up on though or to have someone try to intimidate you. I was questioning myself and doubting myself because of the way that I had been treated recently. Sometimes, you just need to put the questions away - who knows why people are nasty sometimes, you need to tell yourself that the problem lies with them, not you - and appreciate the good people in your life and then get on with it.


Haven't posted anything here in a long time, I know. I've been doing a lot of thinking about a lot recently. Too much time to think probably and it's not a good thing to think so (too) much.

One of the things I was thinking about is the amount of time that I spend in front of a computer. I need to be online to get work done and in order know what's going on in my industry. It can't be avoided to a certain extent but what about the other times - after I've gotten the work done, followed up e-mails, researched new ideas and read the latest industry news etc. Why do I have/ need all of these online profiles? And why am I trying to maintain three blogs when frankly most of the time I dread the thought of having to write a new post on them? 

I get more done when I'm not in front of a computer and I feel better. I think sitting in front of a computer can actually hamper your progress. I'm increasingly trying to force myself to draw, plan and write on pieces of paper. And to read more books, the ones with paper and covers. I'm getting out into the world more and taking photos, going for walks and spending time with the people that love and know me. While the internet is great for some purposes, we can all overdo it sometimes. There was an episode of Southpark on TV the other night where the internet had broken and everyone freaked out and weren't able to function without it. It's sad because it's becoming true.

Monday, March 23, 2009

We're Irish... Get us out of here!

We had our first fight last weekend since getting back together. (Yeah, we're back together... I haven't mentioned that yet, have I?)

It built up after attending the working abroad expo in the RDS. After which, we (she) realised that it wasn't going to be quite as easy as we had thought to get out of this country. It probably didn't help that we spent the whole weekend talking about emigration either... The final straw came when I said in a temper "I don't have a visa now cause we got back together!" The response was "Fuck you!" and she stormed out of the room.

I have to say kudos to Canada for recognising same-sex partnerships and providing us with the same status as married couples and other straight couples when applying for residency.

*Note: We've since made up. (I apologised for being a bitch)...

Get us out of here!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The L(ast) Word

I don't care who killed Jenny!

I care that it's over... :(

Above: L Word fans in San Francisco

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Carmen to return to our screens in the L Word

Great news, I just found out via @watchshowtime on Twitter that Sarah Shahai will be on the L Word again! It has been confirmed that Carmen will make an appearance in the final episode (only the final episode though, ah well I'll take what I can get!).

I also just read something that's quite interesting about Carmen's name -
de la Pica Morales could be translated to "of the scratchy (or itchy) morals," an interesting name for a lesbian character, especially since being queer is taboo in most communities of color.
Oh, and look at who just popped up on Twitter!

Related links:

I joined Twitter and I'm now following Alice, Bette, Ilene Chaiken and someone called Who Killed Jenny

I love it!
I just set-up a Twitter account for this blog. If you don't know what Twitter is check out this YouTube video, "YouTube - Twitter in Plain English", which explains it all! If you're on Twitter connect with me here:

I have set this blog to automatically feed any new blog posts to Twitter using a handy little tool called Twitterfeed.

So, far I have found some interesting people to follow including:


betteporter / Bette Porter
Dean of CU Art Department

writer, filmmaker, poet, dreamer.

itsjustshane / shane
i don't have a plan, that's the point.

alicethechart / Alice Pieszecki
webmistress, writer, radio/tv host and total vixen.

helena_uk / Helena Peabody

call_me_max / max sweeney

mama_ti / Tina Kenard

ask_ilene / Ilene Chaiken

klubmonokel / Lesbian Club Monokel
Only lesbian club in Slovenia located at the very heart of Ljubljana. We aim to promote lesbian culture, education, lifestyle and make socialization events.

onemorelesbian / One More Lesbian aggregates the world's lesbian film, television, and video content on one site. We do not accept porn.

janinaz / Janina

afterellen /
lesbian entertainment news

gltv / Gay Life TV
We preserve, protect and exhibit gay video history.


View all of the people that I follow. Now, all I have to do is go find Carmen and speaking of the aforementioned minx, I have just learned of some great news via Twitter, which I am going to write a new blog post about next.

World gets its first gay head of state: Iceland's new Prime Minister is a lesbian

Johanna Sigurdardottir is Iceland's new Prime Minister
The first government collapse of the global economic crisis is about to yield the world's first openly-gay leader.
Great timing. But hey, better now than never!

If the difference between Ireland and Iceland is one letter and six months, can we expect our first gay head of state by the Autumn? Watch out McAleese!
Though she is famous across the island, having been a top politician for years, her lesbian union was no big deal in this calmly progressive nation of only 300,000 people.
Unfortunately, I think we have a lot longer than six months to be the same as Iceland in this respect.
She did stand for the leadership of her party back in 1994 and lost badly, but in her concession speech she predicted "my time will come". And some 15 years later, it truly has.
Our time has come!

Read the full story here and while we're on the topic of pioneering gay politicians, go see the new film starring Sean Penn as Harvey Milk titled Milk, which is getting rave reviews.

Also, via The Independent (scroll to bottom of page):

Pink power: Four pioneering gay politicians

Harvey Milk

First gay man elected to US office when he was voted on to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. Was assassinated in 1978 and is the subject of a new film.

Bertrand Delanoƫ

The Mayor of Paris is perhaps one of the most influential gay politicians in the world. He is said to harbour ambitions of running for the French presidency in 2012.

Penny Wong

Holds the crucial Australian cabinet post of Minister for Climate Change and Water. No other openly gay politician in the country has risen so far up the ladder.

Angela Eagle

Britain's first openly lesbian MP has been a Treasury minister since 2007. She followed a trail blazed by former minister Chris Smith, who came out in 1984.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A beautiful word cloud

Above is a 'wordle' that I have created based on the words that are currently used in this blog.
I really like it.

Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.
Create your own.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Kool Kids

I've never fitted in...
Not in school, didn't hang out with the groups/ cliques that I was meant to hang out with - was pretty enough to fit into the pretty girls group, was smart enough to fit in with the nerds, was sporty enough to fit in with the sports teams, was posh enough to fit in with the upper-class, was just about rebellious enough to fit in with the rebels, was musical and gothy enough to fit in with the indie group... but the fact that I was just about enough in all of the above meant that I could never really fit in with any of them because by virtue of fitting in with one group you automatically had to resign membership of another. When the year got wind of how I might be gay in transition year, that was cool. Apparently it was trendy then. But not if you were still a lesbian in 6th year, it was only cool while it was a phase in transition year... although my girlfriend was the one who received the homophobic comments at our debs, not me (and yes, we went together). Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent. Back to the point of this post. I didn't fit in at school... or in college... or in work.... or on the gay scene.

There is this group of gays, maybe they're not all gay but I think that I'd like to get to know them. I'm basing that on the fact that they are into music, culture, theater, clubbing, movies, writing and other general creative-ness. I know one of them from being introduced to her from mutual acquaintances over the years. She either doesn't remember me or pretends not to each time we're (re)introduced. I also used to sorta kinda date (sorta kinda cause we're talking like 4 or 5 dates here) one of the girls that they seem to be part-time friends with. But how do you fit-in with a group that have already defined their group... what's the etiquette for these things? And how would they ever get to know me? It seems near impossible to meet people and get to know them on that level on the scene, which I have never felt fully comfortable on anyway and as such have increasingly distanced myself from it. Why can't I just fit in somewhere?


Scared of...

what this means
what this doesn't mean
what this will mean or won't
where this will go or won't
getting hurt (again)
hurting her
the future
being tied-down
making a wrong decision
writing about this...

It was a lot easier to write about it when I was writing about events and feelings in hind-sight and I had distance from them/ her. Now that she's back I feel like I'm betraying her almost... or am I just betraying myself?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sex with an ex (sEX)

Thought that title might get your attention!

So, when is it ok to have sex with an ex? After coffee apparently!
I'm only kidding... or am I?

Seriously though, when is it ok to hook back up with an ex?
I guess it all depends on the individuals involved, the circumstances under which they broke up and the present situation... and whether it's just sex (no strings attached, "bonus night" etc., which I have never been able to do, ex or no ex!) or more... like getting back together. No shit Sherlock says you!

Anyways, when I was contemplating meeting up with J after Christmas I did a bit of googling to see what advice the all-knowing interweb could offer me. Search terms included "should I meet up with my ex", "getting back together with an ex", "can I be friends with an ex", "how to look shit-hot to your ex"... ok, maybe not the last one but you get the gist. And most articles that I read all stated that sex was absolutely out of the question if you were serious about having a second chance at a meaningful relationship or else trying to salvage a friendship from the broken relationship (something else that I have never managed to be able to do, not for lack of trying). You know, it makes sense logically - better to talk, communicate, discuss the issues that drove you apart the first time, give each other space, distance, time and not confuse the physical with the emotional etc. But what if while you are talking and getting emotional and all the rest, you are looking into each others eyes and you feel closer than you've ever felt before and you both know that it's gonna happen one way or the other, sooner or later. And seeing as how you've already had sex many times before what's the point of waiting? All logic, will-power and the pain of the last couple of months seem to go out the window...

The sex was f*cking great.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Raw call

I phoned her...

The text messages, e-mails and voicemails were getting ridiculous and I couldn't leave them unanswered. She wanted to meet up with me and we had set a day. The day came and went (almost). It was 6.18pm. I still hadn't replied to her request of setting a time/ place to meet. So I phoned her. That was hard. The only and best word to describe the conversation was raw.
Raw - unnaturally or painfully exposed, as flesh, by removal of the skin or natural integument. Painfully open, as a sore or wound.

She said what she wanted to say. She apologised. She said that she didn't treat me well at the end or in the way that I deserved. She told me that I was amazing and that she really hoped that I would meet someone that would love me in the way that I deserved. That really irritated me. She told me that she didn't want to bother me but that she did still want to see me. I told her that she was bothering me and what was the point of meeting up if she had said all she wanted to say. We had a bit of a chit-chat then (as you do!) and I reached my threshold with the chit-chatting. So we left it at that. I hung up. I cried for an hour and a half.

I texted her happy new year on New Years Eve, imaging her with someone else (I couldn't bring myself to ask on the phone). She replied with the usual new year's wishes. I didn't expect to hear from her again, after that. That made me sad. So... I texted her the following week - "Do you want to meet for that coffee". She replied "Yes, I'd like that".