Sunday, October 26, 2008

Things I never told you

I never liked your blog... the first time I read it I nearly had a panic attack because I felt that I didn't know you at all and you were not the type of person that I wanted to be in a relationship with...

The first time I met you, I thought that you were arrogant. Well actually I did tell you that. I also thought that you were self-obsessed and not over your ex.

The last time that we were snuggled up in your bed together... the time before you went away for work for that week and I was on holidays... before we got back and broke up... Well, your phone went off twice with text messages and you had it in the pocket of your hoodie... but you didn't read either of those messages... I went downstairs to make us a cup of tea and you went to the bathroom with your phone... when we lied back down together, you had turned your phone to silent... that was such a small thing and probably so meaningless to most people but it really hurt me. You were being so deceptive towards the end and you lied to me about those type of things... I knew it was over that night.

I didn't like your bedroom... You had been planning on decorating it since I met you, you'd been planning lots of things actually... but it looked exactly the same the day I walked out... even the cobweb in the corner.

When I was looking for my runners under your bed, I saw one of the Valentines gifts that I had given you... the hanging picture frames... still in it's packaging, thrown under your bed. That hurt.

I am hotter and you know it! Hah! Just thought I'd throw in a bit of shallowness there cause I can and it made me laugh!

I am also more sensitive, nicer, kinder, copped on, honest, mature, intelligent and possibly even funnier! :O

You were an asshole.

You defended random strangers over me... and chose your housemates over me (choosing to go off with them and not invite me or to put me 'on hold' on the phone while you talked to them about their latest immature drama)... yet you bitched about them constantly...

That video that you showed me of you... the one where you say to your friends that "I'm kind, funny... pretty!"... that's the person that I fell for... I really miss her. You weren't her at the end.

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