Thursday, January 22, 2009

Raw call

I phoned her...

The text messages, e-mails and voicemails were getting ridiculous and I couldn't leave them unanswered. She wanted to meet up with me and we had set a day. The day came and went (almost). It was 6.18pm. I still hadn't replied to her request of setting a time/ place to meet. So I phoned her. That was hard. The only and best word to describe the conversation was raw.
Raw - unnaturally or painfully exposed, as flesh, by removal of the skin or natural integument. Painfully open, as a sore or wound.

She said what she wanted to say. She apologised. She said that she didn't treat me well at the end or in the way that I deserved. She told me that I was amazing and that she really hoped that I would meet someone that would love me in the way that I deserved. That really irritated me. She told me that she didn't want to bother me but that she did still want to see me. I told her that she was bothering me and what was the point of meeting up if she had said all she wanted to say. We had a bit of a chit-chat then (as you do!) and I reached my threshold with the chit-chatting. So we left it at that. I hung up. I cried for an hour and a half.

I texted her happy new year on New Years Eve, imaging her with someone else (I couldn't bring myself to ask on the phone). She replied with the usual new year's wishes. I didn't expect to hear from her again, after that. That made me sad. So... I texted her the following week - "Do you want to meet for that coffee". She replied "Yes, I'd like that".

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