Friday, January 23, 2009

Sex with an ex (sEX)

Thought that title might get your attention!

So, when is it ok to have sex with an ex? After coffee apparently!
I'm only kidding... or am I?

Seriously though, when is it ok to hook back up with an ex?
I guess it all depends on the individuals involved, the circumstances under which they broke up and the present situation... and whether it's just sex (no strings attached, "bonus night" etc., which I have never been able to do, ex or no ex!) or more... like getting back together. No shit Sherlock says you!

Anyways, when I was contemplating meeting up with J after Christmas I did a bit of googling to see what advice the all-knowing interweb could offer me. Search terms included "should I meet up with my ex", "getting back together with an ex", "can I be friends with an ex", "how to look shit-hot to your ex"... ok, maybe not the last one but you get the gist. And most articles that I read all stated that sex was absolutely out of the question if you were serious about having a second chance at a meaningful relationship or else trying to salvage a friendship from the broken relationship (something else that I have never managed to be able to do, not for lack of trying). You know, it makes sense logically - better to talk, communicate, discuss the issues that drove you apart the first time, give each other space, distance, time and not confuse the physical with the emotional etc. But what if while you are talking and getting emotional and all the rest, you are looking into each others eyes and you feel closer than you've ever felt before and you both know that it's gonna happen one way or the other, sooner or later. And seeing as how you've already had sex many times before what's the point of waiting? All logic, will-power and the pain of the last couple of months seem to go out the window...

The sex was f*cking great.

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